Saturday 25 August 2018

Expedia Interview Experience

Expedia Software Dev Engineer

Expedia Software Dev Engineer
Round 1 - Coding
Q1 Write a program to reverse a linked list? Change it to reverse linked list in size of n. (only approach was asked) - Solution

Q2 You are getting a stream of infinite data, write a program extract the min 8 values based on priority from that stream? - Solution

Q3 What is immutable in Java? Explain - Solution

Q4 Write a program to convert a binary tree into a doubly linked list. - Solution

Q5 Write a program to get the minimum value from stack at any given time. - Solution

Round 2 - Coding
Q1 Explain your project.

Q2 Dutch National Flag problem. - Solution

Q3 Write a program to convert a binary tree into doubly linked list in place. Different approaches discussed.

Round 3 - Coding and Design
Q1 Explain your project.

Q2 Given a set of integers, write a program to form a rectangle of max area such that distance between ever adjacent integer is 1.

Q3 Design a service for Expedia that allows you to store and mark your search as favourite and later show markes searchs first and then the other searches.
Everything from web server design to database to load was discussed.

Round 4 - Manager
Q1 General behavioural questions

Q2 Rat poison puzzle.

Q3 Why Expedia/ what new do you bring to expedia/ why should we hire you?

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